Sunday, August 30, 2020

Lightships "Keeping Watch Over The Great Lakes"

Available Now: eBook & softcover book on Kindle Direct Publishing (Amazon) eBook: $9.95 & Softcover Book: $15.95 Softcover Book. Published on Barnes & Noble Website, Date: TBD. My Author's page can be found on The link:

Congratulations Sir:
I just received the copy of your new book, "Lightships "Keeping Watch Over
The Great Lakes."

It was my pleasure to assist you with your work. Let me know if I may assist
you again in the future.

Thank you once again for sending. I greatly appreciate it!

All the best!

Sincerely, Bill

William H. Thiesen
Atlantic Area Historian
United States Coast Guard


Thank you as well.  They're now part of the CG Historian's Office library.
I look forward to reading it this weekend.




Scott T. Price
Washington DC Historian
United States Coast Guard